International Climate Solution Stocks
A comprehensive list of climate solutions stocks headquartered in the following five major global regions.
Note that we provide this list as a publicly available resource solely for the purpose of education. Carbon Collective does not enable you to trade these companies. This list was created in 2023 and is not updated on a regular cadence.
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🇲🇺 Mauritius
Passed Revenue Filter
Africa Clean Energy Solutions, based in Mauritius builds and maintains clean energy systems in Africa with multiple solar and biogas farms. They do also have a biomass plant which we do not consider a climate solution, but they generate most of their revenue from their other activities.
AlKhair River for Development Agricultural Investment and Environmental Services
Land Management
Lacked Sufficient Information
Al Khair River operates in land restoration, a climate solution, but they provide no online information to verify this, so we exclude them.
🇳🇦 Namibia
Pure Play
Alpha Namibia installs and operates solar farms in Namibian and Southern Africa.
Amalgamated Regional Trading Holdings Ltd
No Drawdown Solution
Amalgamated Regional is a conglomerate based in Zimbabwe. While they do own a battery manufacturing company, they are only used in traditional automobile batteries, which are used in internal combustion engines.
Bushveld Minerals Limited
Critical Minerals
South Africa
Failed Revenue Filter
Bushveld generates a majority of its revenue from producing vanadium, which is not a critical mineral for the energy transition.
🇿🇼 Zimbabwe
Passed Revenue Filter
CAFCA is a Zimbabwe-based company that makes a variety of cables with a majority of their revenue coming from cables used for electricity transmission.
🇲🇦 Morocco
Passed Revenue Filter
Cartier Saada is a Moroccan company that makes a majority of its revenue from preserving fruits that come from perennial sources like olives and tree fruits.
Ciments du Maroc Société Anonyme
Alternative Cement
Failed Revenue Filter
Ciments du Maroc is a Moroccan cement producer. While they do have some innovative approaches to sustainability like running their CO2 emissions through an algae reactor, they do not actually make any alternative or low-carbon cement mixes.
Cocoa Processing Company Limited
Perennial Staple
No Drawdown Solution
Cocoa Processing Company is a Ghanaian processor of cocoa beans for chocolate. While cocoa is a perennial staple, the expansion of the industry often comes at the expense of natural forests, which is not beneficial from a climate perspective.
Compagnie Ivoirienne d'Électricité (CIE), S.A.
Electrical Utility
Côte D'Ivoire
Failed Utility Filter
CIE is an electrical utility operating in the Ivory Coast. They do generate their own power and some is from fossil fuels, so we exclude them.
Compagnie Minière de Touissit S.A.
Critical Minerals
Failed Revenue Filter
Miniere de Touissit is a Moroccan mining company that mines for a number of critical minerals for the energy transition like lead and zinc, but they also mine for non-critical minerals like lead and gold, so we exclude them.
🇿🇦 South Africa
Pure Play
Copper 360 is a South African copper mining company, a critical mineral for the energy transition.
🇳🇬 Nigeria
Passed Revenue Filter
Cutix is a Nigerian producer of wires that generates over half of its revenue from wires built for the electrical grid system.
Eaagads Limited
Perennial Staple
No Drawdown Solution
Eaagads is a Kenyan coffee producer in Kenya. While coffee is a perennial plant, we have decided not to include it as a climate solution because it often involves destroying natural forest in order to replace it with coffee plantations.
🇰🇪 Kenya
Passed Revenue Filter
East African Cables, based in Kenya, makes a majority of its revenue from building and supplying cables that are used to expand the electrical grid in East Africa, a key step before mass electrification.
🇪🇬 Egypt
Passed Revenue Filter
El Sewedy Electric is an Egyptian manufacturing firm that builds wires and other equipment needed for expanding the electrical grid in Sweden. They also build renewable energy projects like solar and wind.
🇪🇬 Egypt
Passed Revenue Filter
Electro Cable Egypt makes cables, most of which are used in the electrical system for expanding the grid, a precursor for electrifying everything.
🇿🇦 South Africa
Passed Revenue Filter
Ellies is a solar company in Southern Africa, that helps homes and businesses get stable electricity production through solar and battery systems.
Euro-Cycles S.A
Electric Two Wheelers
Failed Revenue Filter
Euro-Cycles is a Tunisian manufacturer of bicycles. While it is assembling more electric bicycles, these still seem to be a small portion of their sales, so we exclude them.
Eveready East Africa PLC
Energy Storage
Failed Revenue Filter
Eveready East Africa is a Kenyan provider of car and individual batteries. It is expanding into LED lights and solar, but has not seemed to make up the majority of revenue from climate solutions yet.
Huge Group Limited
Solar, PVs
South Africa
Failed Revenue Filter
Huge Group operates out of South Africa. They are involved in many industries with a minority of their revenue coming from their renewables and batteries business.
Invicta Holdings Limited
Grid Expansion
South Africa
Failed Revenue Filter
Invicta is a South African provider of construction equipment. While some of their revenue does come from products and projects used to expand the grid, most comes from other segments like providing construction vehicles.
Jet Contractors
Solar, PVs
Failed Revenue Filter
Jet Contractors is a Moroccan construction firm. While they do operate a business line dedicated to building solar farms, they generate the majority of their revenue from constructing buildings and highways, neither of which are climate solutions.
Kakuzi Plc
Perennial Staple
Failed Revenue Filter
Kakuzi is an avocado grower based in Kenya. While they do also grow macadamia nuts which we would include, avocados are more strongly linked to deforestation so we exclude them.
L'Accumulateur Tunisien Assad SA
Failed Revenue Filter
Assad is a Tunisian battery manufacturer. While they do generate some revenue from recycling batteries, they generate most from providing batteries to be used in conjunction with internal combustion engines in automobiles and boats.
LafargeHolcim Maroc
Alternative Cement
Failed Revenue Filter
LafargeHolcim is a Moroccan cement producer that notably does offer lower-carbon green cement alternatives. But these products still only represent a tiny fraction of their revenue in comparison to their traditional cement products.
Managem S.A.
Critical Minerals
Failed Revenue Filter
Managem is a Moroccan mining company. While they do mine for multiple critical minerals for the energy transition like cobalt, zinc, and copper, they also extract other non-critical minerals like gold, meaning they do not pass our mining filters.
Marula Mining PLC
Critical Minerals
Failed Revenue Filter
Marula is a Kenyan mining company. While it mines for many critical minerals like lithium, it does not only mine for critical minerals, so we exclude them.
Masimba Holdings Limited
Mass Transit
Failed Revenue Filter
Masimba Holdings is an engineering company that works on a wide variety of projects in Zimbabwe. While they do work on mass transit and electricity transmission projects, this represents a small fraction of their revenue.
🇿🇦 South Africa
Passed Revenue Filter
Metair is a South African provider of energy storage systems for homes and buildings, serving multiple markets.
🇿🇲 Zambia
Passed Revenue Filter
Metal Fabricators of Zambia generates most of its revenue from making copper wires for transmitting power, enabling the expansion of the electrical grid.
🇿🇦 South Africa
Passed Revenue Filter
Mpact is a cardboard manufacturer in South African with over 50% of their pulp coming from recycled paper, thus reducing the need for new trees to be used in cardboard creation.
Multi-Trex Integrated Foods Plc
Perennial Staple
No Drawdown Solution
Multi-Trex integrated is a Nigerian processor of cocoa beans for chocolate. While cocoa is a perennial staple, the expansion of the industry often comes at the expense of natural forests, which is not beneficial from a climate perspective.
Renergen Limited
South Africa
No Drawdown Solution
Despite its name, Renergen seems to only be investing in natural gas extraction and distribution.
Shumba Energy Ltd
Solar, PVs
Failed Revenue Filter
While Shumba Energy in Botswana does engage in renewable energy development, it generates a majority of its revenue from coal mining.
Passed Revenue Filter
SICABLE is an Ivorian manufacturer of electrical cables that help enable the expansion of the grid in and around the Ivory Coast.
Societe Ivoirienne de Coco Rape SA
Perennial Staple
Côte D'Ivoire
No Drawdown Solution
Societe Ivoirienne de Coco Rape is an Ivorian distributor of coconut products. While coconut is a perennial fruit, the expansion of the industry often comes at the expense of wild, natural forests, which move us backwards from a climate perspective.
Société Industrielle d'Appareillage et de Matériels Electriques
Failed Revenue Filter
Societe Industrielle is a Tunisian provider of gas, electricity, and water meters. While they do make some revenue from LED light bulbs, it isn't a large part of their business.
TAQA Morocco S.A.
Electrical Utility
Failed Utility Filter
TAQA is a Moroccan electrical utility. While they do use some solar and wind in their generation mix, they use about 10x more coal, leading them to fail our utility filters.
🇰🇪 Kenya
Passed Revenue Filter
TransCentury is a Kenyan engineering and construction firm that specializes in projects related to expanding the electrical grid, a key step towards the electrification of everything.
🇺🇬 Uganda
Passed Revenue Filter
Umeme Limited is an electrical utility in Uganda that generates revenue from expanding the grid, a key climate solution.
🇲🇺 Mauritius
Pure Play
United Bus Service is a provider of public transportation on the island nation of Mauritius that enables those who are looking to get around to use a bus instead of a car.
🇲🇦 Morocco
Passed Revenue Filter
Zellidja is a Moroccan lead smelter that has been operating since the 1940's that also generates revenue from provider copper, another critical mineral for the energy transition, to markets in Europe.
🇲🇺 Mauritius
Passed Revenue Filter
Africa Clean Energy Solutions, based in Mauritius builds and maintains clean energy systems in Africa with multiple solar and biogas farms. They do also have a biomass plant which we do not consider a climate solution, but they generate most of their revenue from their other activities.
🇪🇬 Egypt
Lacked Sufficient Information
AlKhair River for Development Agricultural Investment and Environmental Services
Al Khair River operates in land restoration, a climate solution, but they provide no online information to verify this, so we exclude them.
Land Management
🇳🇦 Namibia
Pure Play
Alpha Namibia installs and operates solar farms in Namibian and Southern Africa.
🇿🇼 Zimbabwe
No Drawdown Solution
Amalgamated Regional Trading Holdings Ltd
Amalgamated Regional is a conglomerate based in Zimbabwe. While they do own a battery manufacturing company, they are only used in traditional automobile batteries, which are used in internal combustion engines.
🇿🇦 South Africa
Failed Revenue Filter
Bushveld Minerals Limited
Bushveld generates a majority of its revenue from producing vanadium, which is not a critical mineral for the energy transition.
Critical Minerals
🇿🇼 Zimbabwe
Passed Revenue Filter
CAFCA is a Zimbabwe-based company that makes a variety of cables with a majority of their revenue coming from cables used for electricity transmission.
🇲🇦 Morocco
Passed Revenue Filter
Cartier Saada is a Moroccan company that makes a majority of its revenue from preserving fruits that come from perennial sources like olives and tree fruits.
🇲🇦 Morocco
Failed Revenue Filter
Ciments du Maroc Société Anonyme
Ciments du Maroc is a Moroccan cement producer. While they do have some innovative approaches to sustainability like running their CO2 emissions through an algae reactor, they do not actually make any alternative or low-carbon cement mixes.
Alternative Cement
🇬🇭 Ghana
No Drawdown Solution
Cocoa Processing Company Limited
Cocoa Processing Company is a Ghanaian processor of cocoa beans for chocolate. While cocoa is a perennial staple, the expansion of the industry often comes at the expense of natural forests, which is not beneficial from a climate perspective.
Perennial Staple
🇨🇮 Côte D'Ivoire
Failed Utility Filter
Compagnie Ivoirienne d'Électricité (CIE), S.A.
CIE is an electrical utility operating in the Ivory Coast. They do generate their own power and some is from fossil fuels, so we exclude them.
Electrical Utility
🇲🇦 Morocco
Failed Revenue Filter
Compagnie Minière de Touissit S.A.
Miniere de Touissit is a Moroccan mining company that mines for a number of critical minerals for the energy transition like lead and zinc, but they also mine for non-critical minerals like lead and gold, so we exclude them.
Critical Minerals
🇿🇦 South Africa
Pure Play
Copper 360 is a South African copper mining company, a critical mineral for the energy transition.
🇳🇬 Nigeria
Passed Revenue Filter
Cutix is a Nigerian producer of wires that generates over half of its revenue from wires built for the electrical grid system.
🇰🇪 Kenya
No Drawdown Solution
Eaagads Limited
Eaagads is a Kenyan coffee producer in Kenya. While coffee is a perennial plant, we have decided not to include it as a climate solution because it often involves destroying natural forest in order to replace it with coffee plantations.
Perennial Staple
🇰🇪 Kenya
Passed Revenue Filter
East African Cables, based in Kenya, makes a majority of its revenue from building and supplying cables that are used to expand the electrical grid in East Africa, a key step before mass electrification.
🇪🇬 Egypt
Passed Revenue Filter
El Sewedy Electric is an Egyptian manufacturing firm that builds wires and other equipment needed for expanding the electrical grid in Sweden. They also build renewable energy projects like solar and wind.
🇪🇬 Egypt
Passed Revenue Filter
Electro Cable Egypt makes cables, most of which are used in the electrical system for expanding the grid, a precursor for electrifying everything.
🇿🇦 South Africa
Passed Revenue Filter
Ellies is a solar company in Southern Africa, that helps homes and businesses get stable electricity production through solar and battery systems.
🇹🇳 Tunisia
Failed Revenue Filter
Euro-Cycles S.A
Euro-Cycles is a Tunisian manufacturer of bicycles. While it is assembling more electric bicycles, these still seem to be a small portion of their sales, so we exclude them.
Electric Two Wheelers
🇰🇪 Kenya
Failed Revenue Filter
Eveready East Africa PLC
Eveready East Africa is a Kenyan provider of car and individual batteries. It is expanding into LED lights and solar, but has not seemed to make up the majority of revenue from climate solutions yet.
Energy Storage
🇿🇦 South Africa
Failed Revenue Filter
Huge Group Limited
Huge Group operates out of South Africa. They are involved in many industries with a minority of their revenue coming from their renewables and batteries business.
Solar, PVs
🇿🇦 South Africa
Failed Revenue Filter
Invicta Holdings Limited
Invicta is a South African provider of construction equipment. While some of their revenue does come from products and projects used to expand the grid, most comes from other segments like providing construction vehicles.
Grid Expansion
🇲🇦 Morocco
Failed Revenue Filter
Jet Contractors
Jet Contractors is a Moroccan construction firm. While they do operate a business line dedicated to building solar farms, they generate the majority of their revenue from constructing buildings and highways, neither of which are climate solutions.
Solar, PVs
🇰🇪 Kenya
Failed Revenue Filter
Kakuzi Plc
Kakuzi is an avocado grower based in Kenya. While they do also grow macadamia nuts which we would include, avocados are more strongly linked to deforestation so we exclude them.
Perennial Staple
🇹🇳 Tunisia
Failed Revenue Filter
L'Accumulateur Tunisien Assad SA
Assad is a Tunisian battery manufacturer. While they do generate some revenue from recycling batteries, they generate most from providing batteries to be used in conjunction with internal combustion engines in automobiles and boats.
🇲🇦 Morocco
Failed Revenue Filter
LafargeHolcim Maroc
LafargeHolcim is a Moroccan cement producer that notably does offer lower-carbon green cement alternatives. But these products still only represent a tiny fraction of their revenue in comparison to their traditional cement products.
Alternative Cement
🇲🇦 Morocco
Failed Revenue Filter
Managem S.A.
Managem is a Moroccan mining company. While they do mine for multiple critical minerals for the energy transition like cobalt, zinc, and copper, they also extract other non-critical minerals like gold, meaning they do not pass our mining filters.
Critical Minerals
🇰🇪 Kenya
Failed Revenue Filter
Marula Mining PLC
Marula is a Kenyan mining company. While it mines for many critical minerals like lithium, it does not only mine for critical minerals, so we exclude them.
Critical Minerals
🇿🇼 Zimbabwe
Failed Revenue Filter
Masimba Holdings Limited
Masimba Holdings is an engineering company that works on a wide variety of projects in Zimbabwe. While they do work on mass transit and electricity transmission projects, this represents a small fraction of their revenue.
Mass Transit
🇿🇦 South Africa
Passed Revenue Filter
Metair is a South African provider of energy storage systems for homes and buildings, serving multiple markets.
🇿🇲 Zambia
Passed Revenue Filter
Metal Fabricators of Zambia generates most of its revenue from making copper wires for transmitting power, enabling the expansion of the electrical grid.
🇿🇦 South Africa
Passed Revenue Filter
Mpact is a cardboard manufacturer in South African with over 50% of their pulp coming from recycled paper, thus reducing the need for new trees to be used in cardboard creation.
🇳🇬 Nigeria
No Drawdown Solution
Multi-Trex Integrated Foods Plc
Multi-Trex integrated is a Nigerian processor of cocoa beans for chocolate. While cocoa is a perennial staple, the expansion of the industry often comes at the expense of natural forests, which is not beneficial from a climate perspective.
Perennial Staple
🇿🇦 South Africa
No Drawdown Solution
Renergen Limited
Despite its name, Renergen seems to only be investing in natural gas extraction and distribution.
🇧🇼 Botswana
Failed Revenue Filter
Shumba Energy Ltd
While Shumba Energy in Botswana does engage in renewable energy development, it generates a majority of its revenue from coal mining.
Solar, PVs
🇨🇮 Côte D'Ivoire
Passed Revenue Filter
SICABLE is an Ivorian manufacturer of electrical cables that help enable the expansion of the grid in and around the Ivory Coast.
🇨🇮 Côte D'Ivoire
No Drawdown Solution
Societe Ivoirienne de Coco Rape SA
Societe Ivoirienne de Coco Rape is an Ivorian distributor of coconut products. While coconut is a perennial fruit, the expansion of the industry often comes at the expense of wild, natural forests, which move us backwards from a climate perspective.
Perennial Staple
🇹🇳 Tunisia
Failed Revenue Filter
Société Industrielle d'Appareillage et de Matériels Electriques
Societe Industrielle is a Tunisian provider of gas, electricity, and water meters. While they do make some revenue from LED light bulbs, it isn't a large part of their business.
🇲🇦 Morocco
Failed Utility Filter
TAQA Morocco S.A.
TAQA is a Moroccan electrical utility. While they do use some solar and wind in their generation mix, they use about 10x more coal, leading them to fail our utility filters.
Electrical Utility
🇰🇪 Kenya
Passed Revenue Filter
TransCentury is a Kenyan engineering and construction firm that specializes in projects related to expanding the electrical grid, a key step towards the electrification of everything.
🇺🇬 Uganda
Passed Revenue Filter
Umeme Limited is an electrical utility in Uganda that generates revenue from expanding the grid, a key climate solution.
🇲🇺 Mauritius
Pure Play
United Bus Service is a provider of public transportation on the island nation of Mauritius that enables those who are looking to get around to use a bus instead of a car.
🇲🇦 Morocco
Passed Revenue Filter
Zellidja is a Moroccan lead smelter that has been operating since the 1940's that also generates revenue from provider copper, another critical mineral for the energy transition, to markets in Europe.
Africa Clean Energy Solutions, based in Mauritius builds and maintains clean energy systems in Africa with multiple solar and biogas farms. They do also have a biomass plant which we do not consider a climate solution, but they generate most of their revenue from their other activities.
Passed Revenue Filter
Land Management
Al Khair River operates in land restoration, a climate solution, but they provide no online information to verify this, so we exclude them.
Lacked Sufficient Information
Alpha Namibia installs and operates solar farms in Namibian and Southern Africa.
Pure Play
Amalgamated Regional is a conglomerate based in Zimbabwe. While they do own a battery manufacturing company, they are only used in traditional automobile batteries, which are used in internal combustion engines.
No Drawdown Solution
South Africa
Critical Minerals
Bushveld generates a majority of its revenue from producing vanadium, which is not a critical mineral for the energy transition.
Failed Revenue Filter
CAFCA is a Zimbabwe-based company that makes a variety of cables with a majority of their revenue coming from cables used for electricity transmission.
Passed Revenue Filter
Cartier Saada is a Moroccan company that makes a majority of its revenue from preserving fruits that come from perennial sources like olives and tree fruits.
Passed Revenue Filter
Alternative Cement
Ciments du Maroc is a Moroccan cement producer. While they do have some innovative approaches to sustainability like running their CO2 emissions through an algae reactor, they do not actually make any alternative or low-carbon cement mixes.
Failed Revenue Filter
Perennial Staple
Cocoa Processing Company is a Ghanaian processor of cocoa beans for chocolate. While cocoa is a perennial staple, the expansion of the industry often comes at the expense of natural forests, which is not beneficial from a climate perspective.
No Drawdown Solution
Côte D'Ivoire
Electrical Utility
CIE is an electrical utility operating in the Ivory Coast. They do generate their own power and some is from fossil fuels, so we exclude them.
Failed Utility Filter
Critical Minerals
Miniere de Touissit is a Moroccan mining company that mines for a number of critical minerals for the energy transition like lead and zinc, but they also mine for non-critical minerals like lead and gold, so we exclude them.
Failed Revenue Filter
Copper 360 is a South African copper mining company, a critical mineral for the energy transition.
Pure Play
Cutix is a Nigerian producer of wires that generates over half of its revenue from wires built for the electrical grid system.
Passed Revenue Filter
Perennial Staple
Eaagads is a Kenyan coffee producer in Kenya. While coffee is a perennial plant, we have decided not to include it as a climate solution because it often involves destroying natural forest in order to replace it with coffee plantations.
No Drawdown Solution
East African Cables, based in Kenya, makes a majority of its revenue from building and supplying cables that are used to expand the electrical grid in East Africa, a key step before mass electrification.
Passed Revenue Filter
El Sewedy Electric is an Egyptian manufacturing firm that builds wires and other equipment needed for expanding the electrical grid in Sweden. They also build renewable energy projects like solar and wind.
Passed Revenue Filter
Electro Cable Egypt makes cables, most of which are used in the electrical system for expanding the grid, a precursor for electrifying everything.
Passed Revenue Filter
Ellies is a solar company in Southern Africa, that helps homes and businesses get stable electricity production through solar and battery systems.
Passed Revenue Filter
Electric Two Wheelers
Euro-Cycles is a Tunisian manufacturer of bicycles. While it is assembling more electric bicycles, these still seem to be a small portion of their sales, so we exclude them.
Failed Revenue Filter
Energy Storage
Eveready East Africa is a Kenyan provider of car and individual batteries. It is expanding into LED lights and solar, but has not seemed to make up the majority of revenue from climate solutions yet.
Failed Revenue Filter
South Africa
Solar, PVs
Huge Group operates out of South Africa. They are involved in many industries with a minority of their revenue coming from their renewables and batteries business.
Failed Revenue Filter
South Africa
Grid Expansion
Invicta is a South African provider of construction equipment. While some of their revenue does come from products and projects used to expand the grid, most comes from other segments like providing construction vehicles.
Failed Revenue Filter
Solar, PVs
Jet Contractors is a Moroccan construction firm. While they do operate a business line dedicated to building solar farms, they generate the majority of their revenue from constructing buildings and highways, neither of which are climate solutions.
Failed Revenue Filter
Perennial Staple
Kakuzi is an avocado grower based in Kenya. While they do also grow macadamia nuts which we would include, avocados are more strongly linked to deforestation so we exclude them.
Failed Revenue Filter
Assad is a Tunisian battery manufacturer. While they do generate some revenue from recycling batteries, they generate most from providing batteries to be used in conjunction with internal combustion engines in automobiles and boats.
Failed Revenue Filter
Alternative Cement
LafargeHolcim is a Moroccan cement producer that notably does offer lower-carbon green cement alternatives. But these products still only represent a tiny fraction of their revenue in comparison to their traditional cement products.
Failed Revenue Filter
Critical Minerals
Managem is a Moroccan mining company. While they do mine for multiple critical minerals for the energy transition like cobalt, zinc, and copper, they also extract other non-critical minerals like gold, meaning they do not pass our mining filters.
Failed Revenue Filter
Critical Minerals
Marula is a Kenyan mining company. While it mines for many critical minerals like lithium, it does not only mine for critical minerals, so we exclude them.
Failed Revenue Filter
Mass Transit
Masimba Holdings is an engineering company that works on a wide variety of projects in Zimbabwe. While they do work on mass transit and electricity transmission projects, this represents a small fraction of their revenue.
Failed Revenue Filter
Metair is a South African provider of energy storage systems for homes and buildings, serving multiple markets.
Passed Revenue Filter
Metal Fabricators of Zambia generates most of its revenue from making copper wires for transmitting power, enabling the expansion of the electrical grid.
Passed Revenue Filter
Mpact is a cardboard manufacturer in South African with over 50% of their pulp coming from recycled paper, thus reducing the need for new trees to be used in cardboard creation.
Passed Revenue Filter
Perennial Staple
Multi-Trex integrated is a Nigerian processor of cocoa beans for chocolate. While cocoa is a perennial staple, the expansion of the industry often comes at the expense of natural forests, which is not beneficial from a climate perspective.
No Drawdown Solution
South Africa
Despite its name, Renergen seems to only be investing in natural gas extraction and distribution.
No Drawdown Solution
Solar, PVs
While Shumba Energy in Botswana does engage in renewable energy development, it generates a majority of its revenue from coal mining.
Failed Revenue Filter
SICABLE is an Ivorian manufacturer of electrical cables that help enable the expansion of the grid in and around the Ivory Coast.
Passed Revenue Filter
Côte D'Ivoire
Perennial Staple
Societe Ivoirienne de Coco Rape is an Ivorian distributor of coconut products. While coconut is a perennial fruit, the expansion of the industry often comes at the expense of wild, natural forests, which move us backwards from a climate perspective.
No Drawdown Solution
Societe Industrielle is a Tunisian provider of gas, electricity, and water meters. While they do make some revenue from LED light bulbs, it isn't a large part of their business.
Failed Revenue Filter
Electrical Utility
TAQA is a Moroccan electrical utility. While they do use some solar and wind in their generation mix, they use about 10x more coal, leading them to fail our utility filters.
Failed Utility Filter
TransCentury is a Kenyan engineering and construction firm that specializes in projects related to expanding the electrical grid, a key step towards the electrification of everything.
Passed Revenue Filter
Umeme Limited is an electrical utility in Uganda that generates revenue from expanding the grid, a key climate solution.
Passed Revenue Filter
United Bus Service is a provider of public transportation on the island nation of Mauritius that enables those who are looking to get around to use a bus instead of a car.
Pure Play
Zellidja is a Moroccan lead smelter that has been operating since the 1940's that also generates revenue from provider copper, another critical mineral for the energy transition, to markets in Europe.
Passed Revenue Filter
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