NextGen Energy

Year Bear Market
There is a highly concentrated uranium supply as a result of a 10+ year bear market resulting in systemic underinvestment
Car-Equivalents of CO2
The amount of CO2 emissions that NexGen promises to avoid through the amount of clean energy their uranium will help generate
NexGen owns 32 contiguous uranium claims in Saskatchewan, Canada, totaling 35,065 hectares
The Path to Drawdown: Nuclear Energy
Addressing climate change and remaining below 1.5ºC of global warming compared to pre-industrial levels means that the world’s energy source needs to switch from fossil fuels to 100% emissions-free sources by 2050. Nuclear power needs to be a significant component in the energy mix of that decarbonized future.
Extremely powerful and efficient in generating electricity, nuclear power has reduced CO2 emissions by over 60 gigatonnes over the last five decades - equivalent to nearly 2 years of global energy-related emissions. Unlike solar and wind, electric generation from nuclear power is stable. The cost of building new plants is still very high, but once built, the energy is relatively inexpensive. With Generation III reactors on the horizon, nuclear power is becoming safer, cheaper, and more efficient.
Nuclear power accounts for 10.5% of global electricity generation today. To be on a path to remain under 1.5C° of warming, nuclear power needs to grow mildly in the next three decades:
- 6,093 TWh of nuclear electricity generated in 2018
- 6,245.3 TWh is needed by 2050
- CAGR of 0.08% from 2018-2050
NexGen Energy Ltd., (stock ticker: NXE) is an exploration and development stage company that acquires, explores, and evaluates and develops uranium properties in Canada. Their main asset is the Rook I project that consists of 32 contiguous mineral claims totaling an area of 35,065 hectares located in the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan. NexGen is headquartered in Vancouver, Canada.
NXE's Role in Drawdown
NexGen owns uranium exploration & development projects in Canada, and wholly or partially owns 4 subsidiaries that are engaged in the same business. Uranium is the mineral that forms the basis of nuclear power, which is an important component in a zero-emission energy mix.
NexGen is still in the exploration and development stage and has not yet made any revenue.
NXE: What We Like
We'll update this section soon.NXE: What We Want to See Improve
Disclose Climate-Related Metrics
NexGen's Sustainability Report (p. 21) states that they are committed to "responsibly managing energy use and greenhouse gas emissions." But they provide us with no concrete data to show us what this means in practice. Their report needs to include metrics like scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, emissions avoided and reduced, amount and sources of energy use, and waste generated.
Set Emissions Reduction Targets
Once these sustainability metrics are disclosed, we'd like NexGen to go a step further and put out targets for reducing their emissions. These include emissions from their offices, facilities, transportation and employee commute. The targets should be quantitative and in line with the global commitment to stay below 1.5°C of global warming.
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