Watts Definition

Watts (W), the SI-derived unit of power, refer to the rate at which energy is used or generated. One watt is equivalent to 1 joule per second (1 J/s).

The term wattage (or watt) was named after James Watt, a Scottish inventor and property developer who improved on Thomas Newcomen's 1712 steam engine design.

A watt is the unit of electrical power equal to one ampere under the pressure of one volt.

Common Multiples of Watts


Nanowatt is a unit of power equal to one billionth of a watt. Examples of powers measured in nanowatts are wireless signals, DC in some integrated circuits, and weak signal detection by radio telescopes.


One milliwatt (mW) is equal to 0.001 watts or one-thousandth of a watt. Milliwatts are often used to express the output power of lasers and light-emitting diodes (LEDs).


One kilowatt (kW) is equal to 1,000 watts.

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), the typical household in the U.S. uses 10,632 kilowatts per year depending on the time of year and use patterns. A month's average is set at about 886 kilowatts.

Most appliances that require electricity are rated in units of kilowatts rather than watts.


One megawatt (MW) is equal to one million watts which are often used for large commercial and industrial purposes.

Machines that use this scale include large electric motors, aircraft carriers, and submarines.


One gigawatt (GW) is equal to one billion watts which are often the units used for the output power of large electric generators.

Large cities might use this amount of wattage at an instant while consuming energy.


One terawatt (TW) is equal to 1 trillion watts. This unit of power can provide enough electricity to power a small country or city.

Calculating Watts

Watts are calculated by multiplying volts and amperes together.

In equation form, it is illustrated as:


Volts pertain to the pressure that allows electrons to flow while amperes pertain to the volume flow of electrons.

Understanding Low and High Wattage

High wattage means that an appliance uses more electricity than one that is rated at lower wattages.

For example, a 100-watt light bulb is brighter and provides more illumination than a 20-watt bulb.

More power is consumed when the wattage on appliances is higher. Higher wattages are ideal when you need to make use of electricity to produce heat.

Wires and other electrical parts should be able to handle the amount of electricity that is being used when the wattage is high since there can be a risk for fires, burns, and electrocutions.

On the other hand, lower wattages are ideal for appliances that use electricity with less power demand. Examples of low-power appliances are chargers, laptops, and cell phone batteries.

Low wattages allow the appliance to use energy for a long time since there is less or no need to power high-demand components that produce heat.

Benefits of Reducing Wattage Consumption

Reduces Utility Bills

When wattage consumption on home appliances is reduced, it can have a direct impact on utility bills.

For example, reducing the wattage for an hour on 20 lights will reduce the energy consumption, thereby also saving a substantial percentage of electricity costs.

Reduces Use of Fossil Fuels

Fossil fuels are the primary source of power generation which contributes to global warming by emitting carbon dioxide.

Reducing wattage consumption means that there will be less power demand, so fossil fuels will not be used to supply the power.

Protects the Environment

Aside from reducing energy costs and consumption of fossil fuels, one should also consider protecting the environment when looking for ways to save energy and reduce wattage consumption.

This will allow future generations to enjoy the natural beauty of the environment and live a healthier lifestyle.

Tips for Reducing Wattage Consumption

Stop Vampire Power

Vampire power means the loss of power drawn from a device when it is plugged in but not in use.

Most electronic devices that are plugged into the wall including televisions, microwaves, and computers draw a small amount of power that can add up over time if left plugged in even after being turned off.

Switching to smart appliances can reduce this type of power draw. Smart appliances can switch themselves off after being idle for a few hours.

Another alternative would be to use an advanced power strip or to cut off the source of power once the device is turned off.

Go For LED Bulbs

One of the most efficient ways to reduce wattage consumption is by switching from regular incandescent light bulbs to LED bulbs.

LED bulbs are more energy-efficient than incandescent lights, so they will use less wattage while producing the same amount of light or illumination.

Invest in Energy-Efficient Devices

Purchase appliances and devices that provide features such as standby mode which allows the device to switch off when not in use.

When not in use, the device should switch off and that is when it will be using zero wattage.

Switch to Green Power

Another way to reduce energy consumption and power demand is by subscribing to green power plans which means the household would be billed for renewable energy like solar or wind power rather than receiving all its energy from traditional power sources such as fossil fuels.

Final Thoughts

Learning the basics about watts and its common multiples is a critical first step to understanding electrical power.

Low wattages are ideal for powering appliances that use less electricity.

High wattages are required for appliances that demand more power such as heaters and ovens.

For these reasons, it is important not to exceed the wattage requirements of appliances and devices in order to avoid unexpected breakdowns.

Benefits of reducing wattage consumption include reduced electric bills, less usage of fossil fuels, and protecting the environment from global warming.

By following these tips for reducing wattage consumption, you can save money on electricity costs as well as preserve natural resources for future generations.


1. What is a watt?

A watt is a unit of power that describes how much electrical energy an appliance or device uses over time.

2. What is the most commonly used multiple of watts?

The most commonly used multiple of watts is kilowatts.

3. What is high wattage? What is low wattage?

High wattage means that a lot of power or energy is being used to run an appliance or device. Low wattage indicates a small amount of power is being used.

4. Why is it important to learn about wattage?

Knowing about wattage is a critical first step towards understanding electrical power. This will allow one to be mindful of how much electricity certain appliances and devices use over time. In addition, one can make decisions to cut back on energy consumption by using low-wattage devices instead of high wattages.

5. What are the limitations of renewable energy sources when it comes to power generation?

Some renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power do not produce electricity around the clock or during periods of peak demand. This means they cannot be counted on to produce backup power during these times unless their capacity is increased through technology such as the addition of storage batteries and thermal storage systems.

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